New Technologies

I was thinking yesterday, about how easy it is nowadays to watch anime due to technological advancements, such as DVDs, and the Internet. We can watch almost instantly any anime episode we want, in a multitude of languages, whenever we want. While only about half a century ago this would be considered absurd, and impossible. The truth is the rate at which technology is advancing is staggering.
According to current information, every two years the processing power of computer doubles, and while chips increase their capacity they are continually getting smaller. They are now designing circuits on the nano-scale. This amazing enough, is still nothing when you consider it was predicted. In 1965, a man by the name of Gordon E. Moore saw this trend in computers and created a law stating that the amount of transistors that can be placed on a circuit doubles every two years. This is Moore's Law.
So getting back to the main point, I was thinking how technology would develop, and how we would communicate in the future (and potentially watch anime). Of coarse this all depends how far ahead you look, as more and more variables come into play. But there's one trend with almost anything new, especially technology, that will always stay the same. It will always start out expensive as demand is high, but as it becomes easier to manufacture, it gets cheaper. Also another thing to note is it has to be in the price range of the general public, the working class, to be a successful product. So basically, no matter how advanced technology gets, I don't think it will ever be too expensive, or too far ahead.
Now, lets say you look 10 years into the future. What do you see? Well I see something equivalent to a personal communication device which attaches to your ear to be "cellphone" norm. It would probably have the control devices (keyboard, mouse,etc.) on your arm, probably integrated right into your clothes, and only visible when you turn it on. This allows for both hands free, and light communication. Of coarse the downside is there is no screen to allow for visuals, so they might include an eyepiece attachment, somewhat like transition glasses except they can project images. Also I doubt nothing will happen to computers. Probably a huge increase in speed and power, which makes for faster Internet, better graphics, and a whole new level of memory. Might even get into the Petabyte range for PC memory. Next is 50 years into the future. Probably glove type communicators, with holographic screens, and precise sensors, which allow you to control it with hand and eye movement. It seems crazy I know, but so did personal computers. Probably by now, PCs will be handheld, and include at least a Zettabyte of storage. Things like virtual reality and robot maids, would be very common by then. Finally now, how about 100 years into the Future, what do you see? Well I don't believe there wouldn't be any more technological (communication) advance after that which would be considered exponential. However I can't even begin to imagine what things would be like by then. We might even reach a level 1 civilization! We could have integrated ourselves with technology, or even evolved out of the need to use technology for communication (telekinesis).
Well whichever way we develop and advance, It is sure to be amazing. I hope to be a part of that advancement as well, designing tools, and types of communication never thought of before (and probably a couple anime series by then as well ;p). The future starts now.

The way I rewiew Anime

Well currently I am finishing an Info-Tech assignment, so I probably won't start posting reviews until mid-October. I will definitely start reviewing the up-coming line up of anime, and anything else you request ( long as I like it :P). On a side note, if I do ever start posting reviews halfway through a season, I will have a summary of the plot till then. What I'm going to include in the review... well I'm still not sure. Probably however, a recap of the events of the story, a rating, and my thoughts on the episode. Latter on, I might add a character-bio page to the site and will start a ranking system as well. I would much appreciate your input, and ideas.


Successful People - Osamu Tezuka

Osamu Tezuka (手塚 治虫), both a manga artist and an animator, is considered the "God of Manga". He is credited for revolutionizing the the anime industry, and bringing it to where it is today. His redefinition of the genres, and his stylistic large eyes, which has become mainstream to the art, has also given him the nickname "Father of Anime". Collectively he has written en over 700 manga, exceeding 150,000 pages total. However most of his work has never been translated out of Japanese. Some of his most famous works include Astro Boy, Black Jack, Princess Knight, Phoenix, Kimba the White Lion, and Adolf, though he has written much more. This has all been a result of love and passion for his art, but he never always imagined being an anime artist. He is one of five people who has both a professional degree in anime, and medicine. It happened when he was younger, after he was cured of an illness by a doctor. This influenced him into studying medicine at Osuka University. However at the same time he began seriously drawing manga. He eventually got to a crossroad, and had to decide between medicine and manga, the second of which wasn't as rewarding. With the words of his mother, "you should work doing the thing you like most of all," Osamu Tezuka became a full-time anime artist. However his medical degree didn't go to waste, as he used the knowledge he had gained to enhance his anime, such as in the series Black Jack. Ever since he was little he had it worse of. He came from a poor family born third of three sons, and was bullied because of his slim, and small body. He would constantly get inspiration and confidence from his mother's stories and lessons. Even after he became famous and well known, Tezuka still had it hard. It took the majority of his time and effort to maintain his studio, so much that he even had to decline an invitation to work on "a Space Odyssey 2001" by Stanley Kubrick, and yet he never became rich. He did however become famous for his work in Japan, and able to influence an entire generation of anime artist. I think his success, like many others, is due to the guidance he received from the people around him, especially his mother. Of coarse hard work, determination, and talent don't hurt either.

Anime Genres

Anime is a widely used and diverse creative medium for telling stories, and expressing ideas. It comes in many forms and style, and differs from artist to artist. This allows for many genres, and genre types. Ranging from romance to fighting and from adult shows to kid shows, these genres define what anime really is.

Most anime are usually grouped into more than one genre. This is really due a combination of the sheer amount of genres and the way they define them, plus the way anime is created with plots, subplots, and a high amount of development. These are things you don't normally find in American cartoons.

Some Common Genres Include:

General Types: These are types found in most forms of graphic art

  • Action- A fast paced, thrilling story, usually including battle, fighting, competition, or death.
  • Adventure- A story following someone Else's travels, usually as a journey to obtain, save, or learn something important, associated with action.
  • Drama- An emotional story, usually with a high amount of character development, and a relationship theme, related to love/romance.
  • Horror- A scary, gory story, usually including things of supernatural origin and darker themes, kept as realistic as possible.
  • Sci-fi- A futuristic story, usually involving advanced technology and new sciences
  • Progressive- An extremely stylized design for character, and story, can be associated with any other type of genre.
  • Fantasy- A story with supernatural, or mythical origins, usually includes superpowers, demons, ghosts, or an unbelievable setting.
  • Comedy- A funny story, made comical through unexpected situations and visual exaggeration, usually associated with all other genres except drama.

Demographic: Shows intended audience or targeted age group

  • Shojo- Japanese for "Young girl", usually aimed at younger girls, focus on character and plot development, includes idealized love stories.
  • Shonen- Japanese for "young boy", usually aimed at younger boys, focus on fighting and battle, associated with mecha, action, and adventure.
  • Josei- Japanese for "young woman", usually aimed at mature girls (teens), focus on famalies and mothers, rarest genre, associated with yaoi.
  • Seinen- Japanese for "young man", usually aimed at mature boys (teens), focus on more psychological and sexual elements, and more plot development, darker than shonen.
  • Kodomo- Japanese for "child", all children shows fall into this category.

Thematic: Used only in Japanese style animation

  • Bishojo- Japanese for "beautiful girl", features pretty female leads and characters.
  • Bishonen- Japanese for "pretty boy", features elegant, handsome male leads and characters.
  • Sentai- Japanese for "fighting team", feature superheros and superhero teams.
  • Mecha- Features giant robots, which usually act more like extensions to the pilot, humanoid, related to sci-fi or fantasy.
  • Post Apocalypse- Features a post Apocalyptic world, related to sci-fi.
  • Maho Shojo- Sub genre of Shojo, Japanese for "magical girl", features a girl of extraordinary origin.
  • Maho Shonen- Sub genre of Shonen, Japanese for "magical boy", features a boy of extraordinary origin.
  • Moe- Features cute or naive characters, usually females who look younger than they really are.
  • Expertise- Features a specific topic in dept, usually like a sport, an art, or cooking.
  • Lolicon- Features the sexualization of underage female characters.
  • Shotacon- Features the sexualization of underage male characters.
  • Historical Setting- A story set in the past, usually featuring real historical events, opposite of fantasy, however not completely accurate.
  • School Life- A story which features a school setting, deals with school issues such as romance and education, associated with almost every other genre.

Romantic Genres: Yeah... An entire section

  • Harem- A single indecisive male character surrounded by a romance of multiple female characters, usually ending in him choosing one or none at all.
  • Reverse Harem- A single female lead is surrounded by a romance of multiple male character, related to Shojo and Josei.
  • Magical Girlfriend- Focuses on a romantic between a male lead and a girl or extraordinary origin, such as alien or superhuman.
  • Ecchi- Japanese for "indecent sexuality", usually includes sexual humor and fan service.
  • Hentai- Japanese for "Perverted", usually mature anime involving erotica.
  • Yuri- Japanese for "girl love", focuses on romance between female charters, sometimes involving mature subjects.
  • Yaoi- Japanese for "boy love", focuses on romance between male charters, sometimes involving mature subjects.

First Post

YAH! My First Entry. Well this is mainly a test to see how the blogging system works... But if anyone is reading this:

WELCOME TO - 4DR3N4L1N3 Anime the new anime review site!!!

I will try to stay updated and make the site awsome for any of you potiential readers.

P.S. I am an anime-freak too!